Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010 - Onward and Upward!

January 3, 2010!!! Today is my son, Mark's 26th birthday! That is difficult to compute. He is my youngest and my only son. How did the time fly by so quickly? He's really becoming a great young man and a very independent soul. It took him a while to figure out what he wanted to do in life, but now he'll graduate with a BA degree in photography this spring. He already has a blog and a business sight set up on the internet and gets hits from all over the world. I hope he will be successful in his chosen field.

I saw Dr. Agarwal this last Tuesday, and I got rid of two of my drains. I still have one that doesn't want to quit. This reminds me of last year when I had one drain from my mastectomy that would not quit. The doctor finally just took it out when it was time for my chemotherapy. Dr. Agarwal seemed to think everything else was going well. I'm still on Ibuprophen a couple of times a day, and the main pain I have is in my abdomen. Everyone said that would be the most difficult part, and it is. I'm still walking very slowly and I can't stand up completely straight. I can't pick up anything heavier than five pounds. So, Pat has taken on all the heavy work.

My goal for the month of January, besides recuperating, is trying to get some of the stuff purged from our closet and kitchen that we just don't use anymore and is just taking up space that we don't have. It amazes me how quickly stuff piles up that seems so important to keep at the time, then just sits there.

I also plan to do some reading while I recuperate. My daughter, Amy, gave me the Sarah Palin book for Christmas, so I'm going to read that, and the book that my Book Club chose for this month. It's nice to have some times when I have to stay close to home and just relax.

The first decade of the new century has come and gone. I still remember ringing in 2000, and now it's 2010. So much has changed in all of our lives. 9/11/01 was and is the most devastating event I can remember in my life, and when I think of how it has changed all of our lives, it is frightening. I pray that we, as Americans, will never forget what happened on 9/11, and will realize we are at war with people who hate us and our way of life, and will do whatever needs to be done to destroy us. We must remain vigilant and stay strong against this evil. I pray that this new decade will be the one in which we defeat this enemy, and we can once again live in peace and safety.

Okay, I've given my lecture for the year. May 2010 be a good, healthy and happy year for all of us.