Saturday, August 29, 2009

Thoughts on a Saturday Morning

Sitting here, eating breakfast, I'm thinking about this last week and some of the things that happened. This last weekend, I thought we were going to lose our dog, Darby. He's fifteen years old, and on Saturday evening, he just quit moving. He wouldn't come up the stairs to our bedroom when it was time for bed, (He has to sleep in the room with us) and he really struggled to even go outside to relieve himself. His appetite was still good and he was drinking enough water. I couldn't help thinking I was going to have to have him put to sleep. The idea of that was just too much, especially after losing Sherman. So, I took him to the veterinarian on Monday. I told her what had been going on. She checked him out and found out he had injured his back, probably bounding up our stairs. He still thinks he's a puppy. Anyway, she gave him some steroids and muscle relaxants, and he's back to his old self. Thank goodness!!

On Wednesday, I went to the Huntsman Cancer Center for my third infusion of Zometa. It's really odd how hard a time I have going there. It brings back too many memories of being on chemotherapy and all that that entailed. Once I get to the infusion room, and meet the nurse who will be doing the infusion, I relax and I'm okay. The nurses that are there, remember me, and are so nice. We usually have a good visit, which makes me feel great. The infusion itself only takes about a half hour, but with blood work, etc. I can expect to be there at least an hour and a half to two hours. I'm very glad I'm taking part in this clinical trial, because it will at least help me keep my bones strong, but hopefully it will be an answer to helping women avoid bone cancer after having breast cancer.

Thursday, Pat took our grandson to the optician to get a new lense in his glasses. The optician's
office is in a medical building, so they're walking to the office when Colin notices that one of the signs on an office is 'Plastic Surgeon'. He asks Pat what a plastic surgeon does, and after some explanation, Colin asks him if anyone in our family has ever had plastic surgery, so Pat tells him that I'll be having some this fall. Then Colin asks him why. Pat tells him that I have a lot of scars on my chest from the surgery I had last winter, so the plastic surgeon is going to fix them and make my chest like new. Colin thinks about that for a miute, then says "That's got to hurt!"
Out of the mouths of babes!!

Yesterday, I met my friend, Kay VanKampen, for lunch. She and I have been friends since our college days. We try to get together at least once every two or three months for lunch and a good visit. She still lives in Ogden and since I live in Bountiful, we compromise and meet in Layton for lunch. They have alot of great restaurants, so we have some good choices. Yesterday, we went to McCool's Public House. It's an Irish restaurant/bar, and she'd never been there. The food was great and we had a good visit. It was a nice ending to a busy week.

And so goes life. My thought for the week is, "Love is a present that can be given every single day you live."

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to read your blog and see how you're doing. I'm glad things are going well. Sorry about your dog...that's tough. My parents told me that you look great. It sounds like the family reunion was fun! I've never been to Antelope Island, but after hearing of my parent's experience this past weekend, I would love to go.
