Sunday, April 19, 2009

I Think It's Spring at Last!

What an absolutely beautiful day!  There's not a cloud in the sky and it's warm!  Finally!!!  I think everyone is sick of winter.  It began at the end of November and it was still snowing last week.  I did have time to get my lawn power raked and aerated this last week before it rained and snowed again.  I just hope that spring is here to stay.  

At my last chemo-therapy treatment, a woman came through the infusion room with a rose for each of the patients and a poem that her daughter had written.  I want to share the poem with you. 

Here's a rose for you, In case you are feeling blue.
For the trial you humbly bear, 
  Must cause considerable wear Upon your glorious soul.
So I just want you to know, You are in my constant prayer,
 And just to make you aware,
However things may go, You will always be my hero,
For the unbelievable might, With which you now fight,
  Within its own right,
  Should make your burden light, and make your day bright.

Casey Withun

I just think this is such a sweet little poem and it really shows alot of thought and maturity on the part of the girl that wrote it.  When I first began my chemo-therapy, I looked around the infusion room and was really taken with the sheer number of people who were fighting cancer, and the bravery and strength that each one of them displayed.  I was totally oblivious to this world before I was thrust into it.  I've come to understand that cancer is not a respector of people.  It strikes the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the strong and the weak.  Most people who are fighting this disease do so with a quiet fortitude that just amazes me.  I feel much like young Casey does.  They've become my heroes.

My next chemo is this coming Tuesday.  I've been trying to come down with a cold for the last week and so far it's no worse than a cough.  I just hope it doesn't stop me from having my treatment.  I'm so close to being done with all of this that I don't want to get way-laid now. 

Well, I'm going to go outside and enjoy the sunshine, so have a nice Sunday.      


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