Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Wow! It's been over a month since I visited my Blog and wrote anything on it. It's about time I sat down and put down a few of my thoughts.

Today is Thanksgiving and we're having 30+ people here to celebrate, and I'm definitely going to celebrate. On this day, one year ago, I had seen my primary care physician, and she had set me up for a diagnostic mammogram. The appointment was for December 2nd. I knew in my heart that I had breast cancer, but it hadn't been confirmed and I wasn't telling anyone of my fears, because I didn't want anyone worrying. I was doing enough of that myself. Now, one year later, and a myriad of tests, surgery, chemo and radiation, I have a lot to be thankful for. I was scared to death last year, but I found out I'm a pretty tough lady, and this year wasn't as bad as I feared.

My family, especially my husband, Pat, has been very supportive. He took me to everyone on my chemo treatments and waited patiently through many hours of drips. He spent many hours in waiting rooms while I was in another doctor's appointment, and he listened to me when I needed to talk. He's put up with a lot and I thank him for his love and patience. My daughter, Amy, the nurse, was with me at my first appointment at the Huntsman Cancer Center. She gave me so much reassurance with her medical knowledge. She was able to understand what Dr. Neumeyer and Dr. Ward were telling me when I was being bombarded with so much information I couldn't take it all in. She helped me in so many ways this year, from taking care of surgical bandages and drains to giving me my Neulasta shots after my chemo treatments. My daughter, Erin, and son, Mark, for their loving concern and willingness to help whenever they could. Finally, Lisseth, my adopted niece, who has given me so much support in keeping up my health in general and my spirits. She was with me from the moment she heard I had cancer and gave me so much dietary advice, etc. I know the things she did for me helped me to get through chemo easier than I would have otherwise.

I'm so thankful for all the prayers that were sent up for me from all over the country and from every religious persuasion. It strengthened me and saw me through so many difficult days. Knowing that people cared enough for me to pray for me, humbles me so much. I always thought I was pretty independent and could take care of most things by myself, but I found out that needing other's help through prayer and service is not a weakness. I just hope that I will be able to return that love and support.

I'm thankful that I was able to go to the Huntsman Cancer Center for my care. Every person that I have met and worked with there has made me feel like I'm important. I've never once felt like a number or that I was keeping someone from something else. It's like being part of a family there. My doctors; Dr. Neumeyer, Dr. Ward, Dr. Gaffney and Dr. Agarwal have always given me every minute of time that I need to talk to them about my concerns, and they've answered all of my questions. The nurses and technicians made me feel so comfortable. When I saw them as often as did, we became friends, and they still know me by name, which is amazing to me, because they see so many patients. I especially want to thanks Vicki Rosser, who basically took me by my hand and led me through the first five months of this adventure. She even gave me her home phone number so I could call her if I needed to. She was always there with a hug and some words of encouragement, and she still is.

Finally, I'm thankful that I'm dancing with NED. What, you say? Well, I found a websight through the American Cancer Society, and they have discussion boards, where we talk about all sorts of things, but mainly about our fight with breast cancer. When I first joined the group, some people were talking about dancing with NED, and I wondered what they were talking about. Well, now I know. NED stands for No Evidence of Disease. Now I'm dancing with NED and that's the best gift of all.

Yes, I have much to be thankful for this year. It has been a year that I hope I will never have to go through again, but I have grown a lot because of my experience and I've learned so much about others. Thank you everyone for who you are and what you have given me. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!

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