Monday, January 26, 2009

My first visit at Huntsman Cancer Institute

My first appointment at the Huntsman came one week to the day after I had the diagnostic mammogram, etc.  I still believe there was some higher intervention, because when I first called to make an appointment, they couldn't get me in before the 18th of December.  Then not more than an hour after I called, they called me back and told me there had been a cancellation. That just confirmed to me that I was in the right place and the right hands. 

My appointment was for 1pm, so my daughter, Amy, her new daughter, Callie, and I were there about 12:45pm.  It wasn't until almost three hours later, that we finally got in to see Dr. Leigh Neumayer.  Needless to say, I was getting very anxious, and wondered if I WAS in the right place, but when I finally met Dr. Neumayer and her clinical nurse, Vicki Rosser, I was put at total ease.  They were very personable and spent at least and hour and a half with us, explaining the results of my biopsy, what it all meant, talking about my options as far as surgery, etc.  I told them at first that I was interested in a lumpectomy, but then they explained the survival rates of a lumpectomy versus a mastectomy and what would have to be done since the tumor was under the nipple.  By the time, I left I was leaning very seriously toward a mastectomy with reconstructive surgery.  

While I was at the appointment, I was introduced to Dr. Jay Agarwal, the plastic surgeon that would do the reconstructive surgery, if I decided on that option.  He was also very informative, and I was shown a catalog of some of the surgeries that he had done.  I was really impressed.  It was very difficult to tell the difference between the reconstructed breast and the real one.  He told me about the two types of surgery.  One that was done with an insert or one using your own muscle and tissue.  This one includes a tummy tuck, which I thought was a bonus to an otherwise difficult decision.

By the time Amy and I left, at nearly 7pm, my head was so full of information that all I wanted to do was go home and go to  bed, but we didn't.  We went to dinner, and talked, and I was so glad that I had taken Amy with me.  With her medical background, she heard and understood so much that just basically went over my head.   Just talking to her helped me to make some important decisions.  By the time we got home, I had made up my mind that I was going to have a mastectomy and reconstructive surgery.  I've never had any qualms about my choice since then.  

My surgery was set for December 23rd.  At first I thought,"but that's Christmas".  Then I started thinking that the best Christmas gift I could have would be to have the tumor GONE!!!!, even if I had to be in the hospital on Christmas.  I wanted it out as fast as possible. 
So, I was ready to move on and move on I did.   

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